What does your real estate agent do for you?
A lot of our work is done behind the scenes but you will see the benefit.
Help you get ready to buy by introducing you to trustworthy lenders
Discuss your goals
Educate you on the process and the current market conditions,
Help you locate and view properties
When you're ready write the purchase offer

During the purchase:
write all relevant contracts
help you organize inspections and negotiate for repairs or money
keep track of all deadlines and other people involved to make sure your earnest money is protected and things are happening on schedule
advocate for you when conflicts or complications arise
keep you informed along the way so you can make good decisions
help you understand what your rights and options are, especially if you change your mind about the house
Be there when you sign your closing documents to make sure everything is correct
After the purchase:
Keep in touch as a resource, especially for you brand new homeowners
Provide you with annual updates on your home's value
Continue to educate on real estate investing and how you can buy your next property
If you ever need to sell, we'll be there to help with that too!
Some of the unofficial things we do are:
talking you down when anxiety starts getting the best of you.
buy you drinks or comfort food when the process feels a bit stressful
patiently explain things for the tenth time when you really need to understand something to feel comfortable moving forward.
Basically, we've got your back!